Nope. It doesn’t go near Evil Birch. We rode Susie Q and got on the lake at the big rock and rode across to the dam. Accessed Evil from the fire road above the quarry.
West Pine is great right now. Snow covered, but just a light dusting. It’s so light though it doesn’t offer any resistance. Some ice in the usual places.
Conditions at Nine Mile are very good. Fatbike not needed because the snow is so light. Studs required. The boardwalks and roots are slippery and it there is ice in many spots. Had to get off once at the flooded boardwalk. Very fun riding in there today.
It’s a shame we’re not going to keep these conditions. Temperature is forecast to be above zero, except for Wednesday, until next weekend.
Anyone have an update from Shubie?
Bare spots of thawed slop with water on it, ice with puddles of water on it, slush and ice.
Nine Mile River trails were excellent. Studded tires required. About 50/50 ice/ dirt.
Flipside is fast and slippery. Ice, frozen ground, a little snow and rocks.
Bowater is in exceptional condition. The dirt is very fast, the ice is good with studs. It’s an absolute hoot out there right now (just got back an hour ago). Dunno if it will last, so leave now and go ride it.
FYI there’s a downed tree near the bottom of Scotch. Could probably get through it with a hand saw before it freezes solid, otherwise will need a chainsaw.
Bunny hop!
“Build a Bridge out of 'er!”
Anyone been to Bowater or Truro’s Victoria Park today? Looking to ride on Sunday morning and wondering which is the best option. Have other suggestions?
Some friends got into Bowater today. Very icy, great condition.
Nine Mile is icy. Studs required. Lots of fun.
Thanks Jeff. Neil is studless, so Bowater may not be a great idea for him. Sounding like Victoria Park!
Norawarren/west pine is mostly bare. But some large patches of ice on the ledge and the off camber section about half way out.
Hiked daminion into first part of flipside yesterday. Lots of ice. Studs required. Saw two motorbikes going the other way through daminion, interesting to see the fresh marks from their studs on the roots, ramps and rocks…
Fight was decent today without studs. Some sections had fairly large ice patches that required walking, but still a great time and a lot of exposed dirt & granite.