2021 Trail Conditions

I think that new cyclists dragging their rear brake is a fact of life and those are the riders you can expect on those trails. Education for sure but don’t get too wound up about it.


What he said ^^^^^, yup.


Rode Whopper this morning.
Dominionator was damp, Flipside was wet, Death March was dry and fun as ever and Scotch was wet near the beginning (where it’s always wet) then nice after the intersection at dominionator. The powerlines were wet as usual too.

And to the fellow I was talking to this morning (sorry I didn’t get your ECMTB handle) but it was nice to meet you and chat.

Always a pleasure running into other riders. I can add that both Suzie Lake loops are in good condition. A moto has been through and left some ruts in the usual places.


Anyone ridden Bowater recently? Just wondered what it would be like for the weekend?

Anyone laid eyes on Clark Kent today? Guessing its too wet and will need to stick to the granite, starting at Divide but figured I would check.

I haven’t been, but safe bet that it’s wet and should be given a little time to dry.

Rode Bowater Thursday evening. It was in decent shape, mostly dry, but last night’s rain probably added a bit of softness.

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@Lawrence updates the status of McIntosh Run trails on Trailforks on a regular basis. As of yesterday many of the trails are closed:


Thanks @bent6543

Several trails were marked closed on Trailforks yesterday owing to the rain. I think most should be OK now and certainly tomorrow, so they’ve been marked ‘green’ on TF. I haven’t been out to Clark yet, but it generally drains pretty well now that the freeze/thaw season is long done and the tread is packed in.

If anyone is out that way and Clark (or any other trail) seems really soft, go ahead and post a trail status on Trailforks. It is helpful.


If you are heading up to Bowater be aware that some arsehole has dumped a bunch of brush into the first parking area (yellow circled). Also, please don’t block the yellow NS Power gate on the right hand side.


Knuckle Buster at Bowater is blown out. The bottom of Corkscrew Hill is underwater. The motos have torn the trail up significantly. Any trail maintenance in there while the motos still have access is a waste of time and effort.

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That sucks.

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Yeah, I was in there last week and the motos have really been at it lately, its torn up everywhere, some places badly. I imagine they will just do what they do everywhere, destroy it and move on, when its even too shit for them.


Anyone been into spider since the rain stopped? I’m guessing it’s not great but figured I’d ask

Plenty wet in the usual spots. Ok in the usual spots

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Closest trail for me so looks like I better get used to it again :rofl:

So we are still allowed to travel to trails as long as they are in hrm or am I wrong?

Going by that I would say it’s allowed

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Here is the full directive, with the Schedule A map.